Wanyi & Roger were leaving New York after their ten days business trip in NYC. They took us for dinner as a thank you treat for the accommodation. We walked about ten steps from our apartment to the restaurant. It was Wanyi who said that we have to try this restaurant. A few day before, she had a party with her friends and one of them who is a manager of a French restaurant in downtown suggested this restaurant and they love it.
Wanyi's going through the menu

My husband and I have been walking pass by this restaurant since they first opened two years ago. (I think) We thought they are just another "Chinese" restaurant- nothing much to try. We just think that if we wanted to have Chinese foods, we rather go to Chinatown. I am not really used to off-Chinatown Chinese restaurants. It's just like if you could walk to Italy, you would do it to get yummy pizza. That's why this Grand Sichuan on St. Marks Place wasn't on our stop-and-try list.
Roger was the only one who didn't take a picture

This is the first time I know about Sichuan food. Where have I been? Being an Asian girl, I watch a lot of Chinese martial art movies and of course the word Sichuan as a province doesn't sound Greek to me, but Sichuan as a food never cross my mind.
Just a brief info from Wanyi, "You'll love this food. They are spicy." and she is so right. We love it. It's not Chinese food I always have in my mind - a bit oily and light in taste, this Sichuan food is no shy. They are strong in taste.
Red Cooking Pork in a Little Hot Wok

This is the kind of Chinese food that makes Thai girl like me happy with its strong taste. I couldn't get enough of it, a few day later we ordered the delivery with Wanyi's advise - "Don't order the Chinese Food American Style menu, go with the Authentic Sichuan & Hunan Food menu."
Pork Soup Dumpling

Beef Tender with Special Sauce

Dry Sauteed String Bean with Beef